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Painel Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas (PBMC)

Frente às interferências das ações humanas sobre o ambiente - que atingiram escala global e magnitude sem precedentes, afetando o funcionamento natural do sistema climático - os formuladores de políticas públicas e a sociedade em geral necessitam de informações objetivas sobre as causas das mudanças climáticas, seus impactos ambientais e socioeconômicos e as possíveis soluções.

Com base nisso, o Painel Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas (PBMC) foi estabelecido, nos moldes do Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC, em inglês). O papel do PBMC é reunir, sintetizar e avaliar informações científicas sobre os aspectos relevantes das mudanças climáticas no Brasil.

O PBMC irá disponibilizar informações técnico-científicas sobre mudanças climáticas a partir de avaliação integrada do conhecimento técnico-científico produzido no Brasil ou no exterior, sobre causas, efeitos e projeções relacionadas às mudanças climáticas e seus impactos, de importância para o país.

As informações serão divulgadas por meio da elaboração e publicação periódica de Relatórios de Avaliação Nacional, Relatórios Técnicos, Sumários para Tomadores de Decisão sobre Mudanças Climáticas e Relatórios Especiais sobre temas específicos.

The Brazilian Panel on Climate Change (BPCC) established on 25 September 2009 by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Panel will provide decision – makers and society with science-based knowledge and updated information on the causes, risks and impacts of climate change at the national territory; offer technical and scientific support to development and implementation of public policies on climate change, including the National Plan on Climate Change and provide qualified and detailed inputs/data to IPCC on climate-related issues occurring in Brazil Integrating the Analysis of Regional Climate Change to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 IPCC) and future reports.

The BPCC has the follow structure: Plenary Assembly; Steering Committee; Scientific Committee; Executive Secretariat; Three Working Groups2 and one task force on Methodology of GHG Inventory and vii) related technical support units.

All members to be selected among the scientific community shall be fully integrated and on top of current climate change issues in Brazil and globally. The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Science and Technology appointed the chairs of the Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee, Carlos Nobre and Suzana Kahn, respectively.

The BPCC will provide Technical reports, assessments and preliminary policy-oriented reports, targeting top climate change decision-makers produced according to established chronogram, including key aspects such as:
Assessment reports to support policy-makers on the elaboration, actualization and implementation of National Policies and Responses on Climate Change. (E.g. Brazilian Plan on Climate Change, launched in 2008);
Summaries for policy-makers that provide scientific technical and socio-economic information in a policy-relevant but policy neutral way to decision makers;
Special reports on current technical and scientific knowledge produced in Brazil and internationally on climate change, such as LULUCF1, energy efficiency and transport.

The number and contents of reports and assessments will be defined by the scientific committee according to identified needs and priorities of the Panel.

Full report compiling the information gathered on the partial reports based on IPCC AR5 structure will be available by 2012 (with a time lag of six months to provide inputs for the 5th IPCC report). It will be submitted and appropriated by decision makers and contribute to Brazilian institutions to formulate a set of policies and meet agreed commitments and targets for the post-2012 period.

As an objective, The Brazilian Panel will have an on-line platform and website to allow storage and exchange of relevant documents technical products, databases, new technologies, general innovations, methodologies and best practices on climate change and other key issues for the relevant sectors and Brazilian regions (By 2010). This platform/ Portal will be a working tool for the groups of stakeholders and will allow access to relevant information to the general public.

In December 2008, the National Plan on Climate Change was launched and in November 2009 the country defined further measures and GHG emission reduction targets for key sectors and biomes.

The need to increase knowledge and capacity and the provision of reliable information remain as a challenge not only for the implementation of the Plan but also for monitoring progress in this area. On the other side, decision making processes are still heavily dependent on scientific knowledge on the risks and impact of climate change on various biomes, economic sectors, and vulnerable social groups of the country.

Despite the installed capacity of Brazilian institutions, the data and information available is sparse, incomplete or lack historic, scientific and/or technical validation according to internationally agreed methodologies. The BPCC, like the IPCC, intends to mainstream existing research, knowledge and capacities to fill in the information gap in the country on climate change. It will be based on the highest technical and scientific parameters and reflect a wide spectrum of vision, focus, expertise and will have coverage of the Brazilian territory, particularly regions, sectors, populations and ecosystems potentially more affected by climate change.

As such, the Panel is intended to act as bridge between the academic sector and the policy-makers as well as increasing awareness and enhancing exchange of information and experiences among countries and experts. It will contribute to global processes, such as the IPCC reports, narrowing information gaps on important land use change in key ecosystems of the South America region.

Likewise the IPCC, the Panel will not conduct new research but rather periodically gather and analyze available data and information to be consolidated in assessment reports and in a set of policy options and recommendations based on IPCC guidance.
